Nizamabad medical college yet to receive MCI nod

Updated on: Monday, July 04, 2011

Admission into the new medical college coming up in Nizamabad remains a distant dream this academic year also though the lone district minister, P Sudarshan Reddy had promised that it would begin functioning from 2010-2011.

While the proposed college is yet to get Medical Council of India's (MCI) nod, undue delay in construction works and recruitment of staff have also put paid to the hopes of students.

The district authorities have speeded up works on construction of lecture galleries, auditorium, girl's hostel and quarters for teaching and non-teaching staff on the premises of the district headquarters hospital, which would be upgraded to a 500-bed teaching hospital with an annual intake of 100 students. The district health and medical housing and infrastructure development corporation (HMHIDC) officials said the present hospital would be shifted to the new building, which is coming up in an area of 8.26 acres in Khaleelwadi grounds. Demolition works on the Rs 2.5 crore stadium have also begun recently.

The entire work is being taken up at an estimated cost of Rs 164 crore. Though the HMHIDC officials are confident of completing the works in the next 45 days when the MCI team is likely to visit the college to examine the facilities, sources said there is a lot of uncertainty over it getting the approval as recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff has not been taken up so far.

Speaking to TOI, A Jaipal Reddy, executive engineer, HMHIDC, Nizamabad division, said that works to the tune of 75% have been completed and exuded confidence of completing the pending works within two months.

Sources said the works were also delayed due to shortage of funds. "An amount of Rs 20 crore was released as against the requirement of Rs 164 crore. How does the government expect us to finish the college construction work?" a senior health official sought to know.

Times of India

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