Plea to modify seniority list

Updated on: Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Government College Teachers' Manram (GCTM) has requested the government to take appropriate action to modify the seniority list of teachers issued by the Director of Collegiate Education (DCE).

In a statement, GCTM general secretary P. Sivaraman said the association had taken strong exception to the DCE's communication on June 15 fixing the seniority of over 450 associate professors working in government colleges. The communication in effect has brought into implementation a government order (No.336 dated March 1990) which sought to cancel the rule of reservation.

Stiff opposition

Owing to stiff opposition from teachers' organisations, the GO was kept in abeyance.

In his letter to the DCE on June 8, the higher education secretary has given clear instructions to prepare the seniority listbased on Supreme Court judgment and directions.

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