Ramanathupuram District library to go hi fi

Updated on: Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Technology rules the world. The world has shrunk too small with the web. Now to cater to the needs of the tech savvy, the district libraries in Tamilnadu is all set to go computerised. The prepartory works are in full swing.
Barcoding stickers for books are being printed at much faster pace. Barcodes help locate the name, author, publisher, of the book and also the gist of the story just in one click. It also enables one to locate the number of books in that series. Availability of the book with the library could also be found using the barcode.
To encourage the computerisation of libraries, the district across TamilNadu libraries have put in use a computer for the access of the public. Improvising on this the government has now ordered to establish browsing centres in the libraries.The browsing centres would help the readers,access the computers and take print outs of the books, articles of their choice.The charges would be Rs.10 per hour.
Ramanathapuram District library has been sanctioned with 9 computers for this purpose. Students, booklovers by and large welcome the move to computerise the library.

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