NIDian's design makes it to global contest

Updated on: Friday, June 17, 2011

A fabric inspired by jaalis (stone filigree) found in architectural monuments of the city has trounced other designs from across the country and made its way into an international competition organized by Society of Dyers and Colourists (SDC).

The fabric designed by a National Institute of Design (NID) student with a focus on sustainability and minimalistic design will be taking part in SDC Colour Design Award 2011 in Hong Kong.

Translating the traditional stone filigree into a fabric, NID student Amole Singh has designed a fabric which not only reflects the patterns of a jaali, but also incorporates its functional aspects.

Deriving from the character of jaalis, the student has made his design translucent and stated that it can be used as semi partitions in rooms. What stands out in Singh's design is the use of a single natural colour in varying shades to achieve the desired patterns.

Singh's design was selected from around 70 entries from across the country for the international competition that will be held in Hong Kong in December. A total of 16 countries will take part in the competition.

"The fascinating asset and the common element of the historical structures in Ahmedabad is the use of jaali, intricately carved like a screen out of stone. Inspired by these jaalis, my design attempts not only to reflect their patterns, but also incorporate the experience that is created by these jaalis. A jaali is generally carved out a single piece of stone and I have tried to incorporate this aspect by using a single piece of fabric dyed with a single colour," Singh told TOI.

Keeping the aspect of environmental sustainability in mind, the student has opted for terracotta as a dye as well as to minimize the use of materials. Singh has used wax during dyeing to create patterns on the fabric.

The shades and tints of the design were achieved by folding and layering of the fabric, he said.

"The process requires very little amount of water as it is a single fabric piece and a single colour. The waste generated is minimal as the dye bath is organic and reusable. The wax has been removed by treating the fabric with a hot iron to reduce the use of water and generation of wastes," Singh explained.

Times of India

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