Government steps in to promote book reading

Updated on: Thursday, June 16, 2011

The government Wednesday unveiled a financial scheme to promote book reading.

The culture ministry announced the pilot scheme to aid book fairs, exhibitions, participation in international book fairs and publishing events.

This is aimed at building awareness about quality literature and inculcate the habit of reading, both among adults and children, a ministry statement said.

A ministry source said the scheme sought to pularise Indian culture and to create a climate so that more and more people buy and read books.

The scheme will benefit not-for-profit organisations including societies, trusts, universities, publishers and book trade associations.

The scheme is not meant for organisations or institutions functioning as religious institutions or for schools and colleges.

Grants for specific projects shall be restricted to 75% of the expenditure, subject to a maximum of Rs.10 lakh per event. The grant will be released in two instalments of 75% and 25%.

Times of India

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