Homework doubts? Answer just a click away

Updated on: Thursday, June 16, 2011

Delhi Public School (EAST) by embracing technology, has introduced an e-learning programme that would be accessible to students round the clock for personalized guidance and concept clearing in maths and science.

The school in association with a private solution provider has, for the first time in the city, come up with a unique performance enhancement methodology for its class IX students. The solution is capable of solving any doubt of the child and provides strong foundation to concepts by one-to-one interaction. This technology will even help students in identifying their strengths and weaknesses.

To implement it, every student has been provided with an unique ID and password. The child can log on the moment he/she has a doubt and seek help. Apart from clarifying doubts, the students will even have daily assessment sheet and individual ranking that will enable them to know where they stand and where they need to improve on. Ishan Bhatt, a class IX student, said, "This was a welcome surprise for us when we reached school after vacations.

"The director of the private solution provider, Atul Nigam said, "Dynamind is all about one-to-one interaction, which ensures that the capability of the child is enhanced and basic concepts are clear."

Talking to NIE on Wednesday, school principal Anita Dua said, "We introduced this programme to reduce pressure on students, encourage self motivation & study. Even teachers will have an ID to see the children's progress and if too many doubts are there for the same problem, then it can be taken up in class again."

Times of India

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