New Session @XLRI

Updated on: Thursday, June 16, 2011

XLRI Jamshedpur announced the commencement of the new academic year 2011 on June 15. A total of 390 students drawn from the following programmes:  Business Management, Human Resource Management, General Management Programme, FPM (Fellow Programme in Management) and EFPM (Executive Fellow Programme in Management) joined the XLRI student fraternity. The new batch comprises students from diverse backgrounds:  engineering, arts, science, commerce and medicine.


The freshers will take part in a special orientation programme, which has been outlined to refresh their knowledge base before regular classes commence. A unique feature in the first term will be the Village Exposure Programme as well as the Tata Steel Adventure Programme. Both the programmes have been drawn up to sensitize students to the tough life in rural India, whilst inculcating values of team spirit, fellow feeling, etc.


The announcement came at a prayer service event organized at the campus for the new batch in the presence of the director, dean, former director Fr EH McGrath, S.J. as well as members representing the faculty, staff of XLRI and students with their parents. Readings from The Holy Quran, The Bhagavad Gita and The Bible marked a special spiritual significance to the ceremony.


Prof P Ray (dean academics) addressed the students and introduced the faculty across different functional streams of management. He reminded them that the India growth story will run into turbulent waters if leaders and managers of tomorrow pursue high growth whilst sacrificing values and integrity. He added that it is important to pursue even small chores and tasks in one’s daily life with honesty and probity.

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