Colleges affiliated to Coimbatore Anna university move HC

Updated on: Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chennai: Colleges affiliated to Coimbatore Anna University have moved the Madras High Court to quash a University resolution.

When the writ petition filed by 'Association of Management of Coimbatore Anna University Affiliated Colleges' came up for hearing today, Justice K Suguna ordered notice of motion to the respondents, including the University and its Vice Chancellor R Radhakrishnan, returnable by April 8.

Contending that the new scheme 'Public Private Partnership (PPP) Scheme, was opposed to the principles laid down by the High Court and the Supreme Court relating to establishment of colleges for teaching technical subjects, the petitioner claimed that anybody having 25 acres of land and capacity to invest between Rs 10 crore to Rs 25 crore could apply to the university for starting an engineering college.

'These colleges will be outside the purview of AICTE and there is no obligation to satisfy the requirements provided by the AICTE', he said.

Besides, the scheme, without dislosing norms for providing admission strength,enables the management to admit 20 per cent of the seats on their own while the remaining 80 per cent would be placed at the disposal of the university, the petitioner contended, adding that an additional 10 per cent seats would be created for filling up at the state government's discretion.

The petitioner submitted that the fee fixed at Rs 15,000 per year was impractionable and contrary to the recommendation of the 'fixation committee', which had fixed Rs 62,500 per annum for students admitted under the management quota and Rs 32,500 for those admitted under the government quota.


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