IMA Kolkata turns 75

Updated on: Wednesday, June 15, 2011

On June 5, the Indian Medical Association, Kolkata branch held the closing ceremony of their Platinum Jubilee celebrations at GD Birla Sabha Ghar. The cultural session of dance, music and visuals was organised by a group called ‘Sapphirescope’.

Dr Chandan Banerjee, a paediatrician  and the secretary of IMA, Kolkata proudly informed that the Kolkata branch was the first in the nation and in these seventy-five years they have taken care to not become a mere trade union of doctors but aimed at improving the best quality of health care, steadily delivering medicines apart from maintaining an overall supervision. One of the problems staring us in the face, he said, is the issue of doctors who are unwilling to visit every part of the state. After a journey of seventy-five years they have fresh aims of formulating protocol treatment and most importantly, providing health education.

Dr Vinay Aggarwal, national president, Indian Medical Association, enlightened the audience about other problems like the dissolution of the Indian Medical Counsel and shortening the duration of medical courses. Services have to be abundant, policies unified and proper security must be provided to doctors, he said. Dr Ajay Kumar Singh, Dr Mihir Nandy and Dr Sudipto Ray were amongst many other dignitaries who attended the occasion and charted the course of IMA so far, provided hope for themselves and others at the face of a new government that has made eloquent promises to them already.

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