Our greatest battle is the one against greed and corruption' : Kalam

Updated on: Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Former President and eminent scientist, APJ Abdul Kalam addressed a seminar on the theme, 'What can I give,' organised by the Times Foundation on June 7. Kalam begun by saying one should always look up and in his characteristic humour asked, "What do you see, lights? Who does it remind you of ?" The eager crowd responded, Edison. He then made a reference to the telephone and suggested that the youth should follow Graham Bell's advice and leave the beaten track occasionally. He made numerous scientific references from JC Bose to Chandrasekhar of the 'Chandra limit.'

Talking about ways of giving back to society, Kalam said, "Each one of us could plant five trees. Or become care-givers, visit a hospital with flowers, fruits and cheer. Or keep it simple and real, and start by being nice to our mothers. That way, the family is happy and, in turn, the country will be too."

He recommended Random Curiosity and Tiya, books as a must-read. He also urged his listeners to do good, no matter how small, ethically. "Our greatest battle is the one against greed and corruption," he said. It is all about a change in attitude. "Instead of thinking what I can take, think of what I can give," he said. The idea is to 'generate great citizens.

Times of India

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