Confusion over date of school reopening

Updated on: Tuesday, June 14, 2011

There is confusion in city schools over reopening for the 2011-12 academic year, after a government resolution (GR) issued by the state last week rescheduled the reopening to June 15. The state education board had, a couple of months ago, issued notices to all schools that they must reopen on June 13.

“Till last week we were ready to start the new academic year on June 13. However, the last-minute change by the state government has forced us to alter our plans,” said Leena Chaudhari, principal, Symbiosis school. The school had decided to go ahead with June 13 as their reopening day, but later decided to abide by the GR. “We put up a notice outside the school today so that students are informed about the last-minute change,” Chaudhari said.

For the Muktangan English school and junior college, it was practically impossible to inform all 4, 500 students about the change in date. “Although we have put up a notice outside the school, all students don’t necessarily check the notice since they are on vacation. We have received several phone calls from parents and are trying our best to spread the message. After all, we have to abide by the government rules,” said RP Joshi, principal of the school. Vinayak Shukla, secretary of the Maharashtra Education Society, which runs several schools in the city, said, “The education department had earlier informed us of a June 13 reopening, which was apt. All of a sudden we have been told through a GR that the date has been changed to June 15. This has created major confusion among schools, parents and students. We have tried to inform as many students as possible as we had to change our schedule as per the GR.”

Shukla further said, “The decision could be to bring uniformity across all the states, but then it should have come much earlier. This has led to total chaos as we plan the academic year in advance.” A source from Abhinav Vidyalya said that they, too, have decided to reopen the school on June 15.

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