All set to go

Updated on: Tuesday, June 07, 2011

You've had your share of fun this past month and a half, courtesy the annual summer vacations. Now it's time for school. Many of you might be celebrating having to go back to school and meeting your friends and sharing experiences. But some like Lakshmi Pujitha, might be praying for the reopening date to magically vanish from the calendar . “During the holidays, I would go to bed very late and wake up late. Even my mom allowed me to do so, but not any more. I hate getting up early and I wish the holidays are extended,” says this Std V student from Nalanda Vidya Niketan, Vijayawada.

Whatever maybe the case, you cannot escape going back to school. So you might as well look at the good side it — meeting your friends! “I can't wait to get back to school. I'm looking forward to making new friends and seeing my old friends,” says an excited Bandhavi L., a Std VI student of Nirmala High School, Vijaywada. And so is Rohit, of Std V, Silver Hills Public School, Kozhikode. He has read a lot of books during the vacation, like Birbal Tales and David Copperfield, which his teacher had asked him to read and write about. He is now eager to show the teacher what he has written, apart from meeting his friends. “I have a lot of things to tell them about my vacation at my grandparents' house.”

Some like Rithwik Vinod, Std VI, Bhavan's Vidya Mandir, Kozhikode have an interesting reason to want to go back to school. He has to take revenge on Amal who used to be his friend. At the end of last year Amal joined the rival “gang”! So Rithwik wants to teach Amal a lesson. How? That he has not decided yet. But will figure out soon!

For 10-year-old Shanker who recently shifted from Chennai to Delhi, anticipation is of a different kind — new city, new school, new friends and teachers. He is excited but is also afraid — will his new friends be as much fun as those in Chennai? Will they make fun of him because he doesn't know Hindi? Will the teachers be strict? Only time will tell, until then he is all packed and ready to go.

And this brings us to the preparations for the new academic year. Anamika, Std II, Vedavyasa School, Kozhikode is all set to go to school. Her books are already arranged in the new bag. She even helped her father wrap the books in brown paper.

Some of the things that you might want to check before you go back to school are: books, stationery (pen, pencil, scale…), bag, water bottle, lunch box, and most importantly holiday home work, if any. You might also want to check if your uniform still fits!

To make the first day interesting, you could request your mother to pack a lunch or snack that is different from the usual. Ask your friends to do so too, if possible, so that you can all share them with each other and offer some to the new student in class.

Anup Kumar, a Std VII student from Ravindra Bharathi Public School, Vijayawada reflects the end of holiday season mood perfectly – “I have had enough fun in the vacation and I want to go back to school now!”

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