AFMC exam gets pushed back

Updated on: Tuesday, May 03, 2011

The deferment of the AIEEE examination had a domino effect on the Armed Forces Medical College’s all-India open entrance test, which too had to be rescheduled on Sunday. Amidst all the confusion, many students here were forced to give the engineering exam a miss.

The AIEEE paper was set to start at 09:30 am, but was called off after the Central Board of Secondary Education was informed of the leak. It was later pushed to noon.

The blunder forced the AFMC authorities to push their test as well. “The AFMC authorities alerted all its centres around 02:00 pm about the rescheduling of the test to 04:30 pm. We haven’t received any complaints so far from students or parents,” said Col Abhijit Rudra, AFMC’s official spokesperson.

Several parents, who waited at the AFMC while the exam was going on, were venting their ire at CBSE officials.

Gargi Inkane, who was to appear for the AIEEE paper from the Army Public School at Kirkee, was reduced to tears and complained of nausea, when one of the officials told her that she may have to miss one of the entrance tests. “My daughter was disappointed,” said Gargi’s father, Pramod Inkane. “Eventually, we opted for the AFMC exam but I am not sure now how my daughter will perform in the test after all this.”

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