Researchers need to solve immediate problems

Updated on: Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chennai: Scientists of Energy management and climate change are asked to work towards providing immediate solution.
Research workers in the area of energy management and climate change should work towards immediate solutions rather than going through the time-consuming, conventional processes of academic science, said V.V.N. Kishore, head, Centre for Energy and Environment, Teri University.

It is no point working for solutions that come to the market in 10 years. We have an urgent challenge to reduce carbon content immediately. Dr. Kishore said. Addressing the UK-India Young Scientists Networking Conference on Low Carbon Technologies and Energy Research organised by the British Council of India, Dr. Kishore also stressed the importance of thinking small in power generation.

For a small village in Uttarkhand a kilowatt may be sufficient, as a result do not need mega power plants all the time. It is here we need better integration for existing technologies like biomass power generation and gasifier units, he said.

Guru Gujral, head of science, British Council (India and Sri Lanka), said it is a great concern that youth are moving away from science education to other disciplines.
The British Council has come up with a series of programmes to bring both experts and students together, so as to encourage youth to take up science, especially in renewable and low carbon energy.

Chris Gibson, The Director, British Council South India said that the British Council would continue its support for the different educational programmes.


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