GMAT exam now accepted by more than 5,000 business and management programmes around the world

Updated on: Saturday, April 23, 2011

The GMAT exam, the most widely used assessment for business and management programmes around the world, has reached a new milestone as the number of programmes accepting the exam has now exceeded 5, 000 for the first time, according to the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).

The increase in number of programmes marks a 31% increase from the 3, 800 programmes that used the GMAT only five years ago. Much of the growth is being fueled by dramatic increases in usage by programmes outside the US, particularly in Asia and Europe.

“The dramatic growth in programmes that rely on the GMAT as a critical part of the admissions process is a strong testament to the validity, reliability and security that have been the hallmarks of the GMAT,” said Dave Wilson, president and chief executive officer at GMAC. “We are meeting this increasing demand by continually expanding our extensive global network of test centers, where candidates can sit for the GMAT exam nearly any day of the year.”

As GMAT usage increases across the globe, so have the number of quality schools seeking membership in GMAC and access to its extensive, customized market research and professional development programmes. GMAC recently added to its prestigious list of member schools, which includes top institutions such as Harvard Business School, Stanford Graduate School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, London Business School, Wharton School, Indian School of Business, INSEAD and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

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