Ragging scandal rocks Nagpur dental college

Updated on: Saturday, April 23, 2011

After the VNIT ragging case, the scourge seems to have hit Government Dental College and Hospital. College authorities are busy inquiring into a ragging scandal that has rocked the campus. They received a letter from a former student last month complaining about alleged ragging he had to endure while in college.

Viraat Jayswal (name changed), a Pune resident, had enrolled in the college in September 2010 as a fresher but went back to his home town within four months without citing any reason. In February, he applied for cancellation of his admission and requested that all his original documents in college possession be handed back to him. A month later, he sent a letter to the college detailing the actual reason for his leaving the college.

In the letter, Jayswal said he was the victim of prolonged ragging by seniors at the Dental College students’ hostel. He claimed he was beaten up so badly during one incident that he had to take medical treatment at Government Medical College and Hospital. Jayswal named five seniors who he alleged tortured him mentally and physically. Out of fear of further harassment, he never reported the matter to the authorities. All the five accused were staying at the same hostel and hence he could not find the courage to stand up to them. Finally, when he could not handle the trauma he decided to return to Pune, Jayswal claimed.

Jayswal said he was filing the complaint because he did not want other students to go through the same trauma. He also named more victims, currently studying at the hostel, who had similarly suffered but chose to remain silent.

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