Need for producing quality management graduates stressed

Updated on: Tuesday, April 19, 2011

  Quantitative growth in management institutions is not sufficient and it is necessary to ensure that these schools produce management graduates of quality, C. Swaminathan, Vice-Chancellor of Bharathiar University, said here on Saturday.

Delivering the graduation day address at the SNS College of Engineering, he said it was essential to nurture a work culture among the management students even during the time of study.

“Teachers of management assert that the O-L-R model is the need of the hour. Management students need to have the three skills set, namely Observation, Learning and Reporting. Only this will ensure they are distinct and have a different style of working,” the VC said.

“An MBA graduate should make use of every opportunity in the classroom to take part in discussions or in seminars, to debate and to discuss issues thrown up by teachers or fellow students,” Mr. Swaminathan said.

Though premier business schools were a class apart, business schools which were a part of a college faced certain problems such as lack of adequate faculty and lecture-driven teaching. He urged the candidates to become managers with strong ethical and moral values. V.K. Shunmughanaathan, principal of the college, administered the oath. S.N. Subbramanian, chairman of the college, presided.

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