We have exams, not education system

Updated on: Friday, April 15, 2011

In the midst of the entrance exam season, a furious dispatch to the Prime Minister from his scientific advisor has termed such tests as one big menace.

Strongly recommending an immediate halt to the system of students being made to take a pile of exams, C N R Rao, who heads the scientific advisory council to the PM (SACPM), said in a letter sent last week that the US method of holding one national exam before students joined university was the right way. Putting it bluntly, Rao told the PM that India is said to “have an examination system but not an education system. When will young people stop taking exams and do something worthwhile?”

Referring to the exam overdrive, Rao briefed Singh on the various flavours of exams that dot a student’s life. “It is important to relook at the entire examination system, including the system of final examinations, entrance examinations, qualifying examinations, selection examinations and so on. Now, one hears of a proposal to have a qualifying or accreditation examination for medical graduates and postgraduates,” he said. Students who groan under the pressure of multiple entrance exams will cheer this advice. Citing the example of the IIT joint entrance exam, Rao said, “IIT entrance exams have the reputation of being difficult and purposeful, but they have also had a negative effect on young minds. Young people suffer so much to succeed in these entrance exams and in the process lose excitement in education itself.”

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