Goa intellectuals stress on education in Indian languages

Updated on: Friday, April 15, 2011

 Intellectuals in Goa supporting Indian languages as medium of instruction (MOI) have decided to form 100-odd village committees that would educate the parents about the essence of Right to Education (RTE) Act.
Bharatiya Bhasha Suraksha Manch (BBSM) leader and noted academician Subhash Velingkar told a press conference that 176 village-level committees would be formed in each panchayat to create awareness about education in the mother tongue.
The panel will also be mandated to weed out "confusion and misconception" spread by supporters of English language about MOI, he said.
"Wrong impressions are being created by telling parents that the child will be forced to learn Konkani or Marathi till Std X, which is absolutely weird," he said.
The parents will be told that only education from Std I to IV would be in Konkani and Marathi and from Std V onwards, the pupil can learn in English, Velingkar said.
BBSM demanded that the Goa Government implement the Madhav Kamat Committee report, which had put forth suggestions to improve the quality of primary education.
The MOI issue had surfaced in the state in the wake of implementation of RTE Act. While several intellectuals and parents support Konkani and Marathi as MOI, there is another section of parents which wants English as MOI.
Education Minister Atanasio Monserrate recently told the Assembly that Konkani and Marathi will continue to be MOI.
BBSM convenor and former Chief Minister Shashikala Kakodkar said MOI in local language helps in fostering nationalism and culture values in the next generation.

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