Assam school girl wins NASA award

Updated on: Friday, April 15, 2011

 Assam school girl Anubhuti Gohain Boruah has been awarded the 'Humans in Space Symposium' Youth Art Competition Award organised by NASA-Johnson Space Centre, USA.

Anubhuti has been awarded the second place in the Literary sub-genre (age group 14-17) for her short story "A Holiday In Mars", according to a statement issued by Jancy C Mcphee of Humans in Space Symposium Youth Art Competition.
Anubhuti's story was selected among 550 entries from all over the world and the public announcement of her winning the award was made at the 'Humans in Space Symposium' opening ceremony at NASA yesterday.
Her story will also be displayed at the Youth Art Online Gallery inaugurated during the Symposium and her work would be also viewed by all attendees of the ongoing 18th International Academy of Astronautics Humans in Space Symposium.
Anubhuti is a Class 10 student of Maria's Public School, Guwahati.

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