A global culture of management

Updated on: Monday, April 11, 2011

 Sreevatsan Rajagopalan, Global Executive MBA programme The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, US says:

You need to be a leader of consequence to reach and sustain at the top. At present, I am working for the Investcorp Bank in Bahrain. I have over 18 years of work experience in banking and financial services and have worked with several international firms. I have a Master's degree in finance from an Indian university and I am a certified associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers. I joined the global executive MBA programme offered by The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, US last year in May. I felt that this 18-month programme would give me the edge that I need at this stage of my career to move up to the top management level.

In a globalised world, managers and leaders of organisations have to be conversant with the nuances of global business practises. For instance, today information technology is getting more and more people-oriented in terms of its application and ultimate use. Therefore, an IT manager has to be insync with the multifaceted global and regional nuances. It is also important to re-invent or streamline management strategies and principles to suit the ground level or local realities of different markets.
This global executive management programme has a truly multinational orientation especially because a large part of its coursework is imparted through a series of classes, field visits, case studies and discussions with local leaders held in the prime cities of seven countries. Moreover, participants are provided ample opportunities to examine, debate and question established management theories and exchange information and opinions with peers who come from different parts of the world.

While on the one hand I feel that this programme is helping me to maximise my potential as a professional, on the other hand, it is helping me to overcome some of my personal inhibitions. I have learnt to be more patient and appreciate different perspectives. Interacting with my peers at the forums provided by the programme has taught me the art of collaborative assertiveness and inclusive team work across multiple time zones.

Times of India

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