A ray of light

Updated on: Monday, April 11, 2011

In a country where corruption has become a way of life, the last few days has seen an unprecedented anti-corruption movement by Anna Hazare, the veteran social activist. His pledge to fast unto death and to fight for the introduction of a tough law to stop corruption finally bore fruit, with the government conceding on Friday. According to academicians and students, India — boasting of its young demographic dividend — was much in need of an example of this magnitude.

Varun Acharya, president, Marwar Education Foundation, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, who was with Hazare on March 5 and 6, points out that we often attempt to be role models, but rarely talk about corruption in schools, colleges, universities or even at home.

"We tend to shy away from exposing the future generation to the harsher realities of life. Such a movement has brought the issue of corruption out into the open, provoking a nationwide awareness. Also, a major chunk of our talented students going abroad for a better future may want to come back if we create more such sterling examples," he adds.

Most academicians agree that the Lokpal Bill is certainly going to bring about a change in the world of academia. "Though as teachers we keep trying to instil the right values in students, the new generation is growing up amidst a lot of corruption . As a result, they seem to figure out that whatever you may do, there is always a way out," says Rita Malhotra, associate professor, department of mathematics, Kamla Nehru College, Delhi University. A people's movement like this, most students feel, was long overdue. While some feel Hazare's triumph has conveyed the power of people's voice to the youth, others are convinced that it is the strength of the issue that managed to bring the Indian youth in the US, UK and other parts of the world together.

According to Subhasish Paul, a 26-year-old IT professional from Kolkata, "Hazare's determined stand has inspired me. From now on, I will always stand up against any kind of corruption. It doesn't matter even if I am alone in my fight. My friends and I have realised that India's future is actually our future."

Echoing similar views, Sabiha More, chairman, MA Education Examination, University of Mumbai, feels that Hazare's example will make the youth of India believe that they too can bring about a change, however daunting it may seem. According to Vijaylakshmi Rajaram, associate professor, Miranda House, Delhi University, "The anti-corruption Bill will have a significant impact on the education sector. For example, in colleges and universities in rural areas, there is little accountability. Teachers are not paid a proper salary, admissions are not transparent and colleges take time to declare results. All of that will hopefully change."

On a concluding note, MS Thimmappa, former vice-chancellor , Bangalore University, says that the academic community will certainly benefit from the movement's salutary effect, since it involves cleansing the entire system of governance.

Times of India

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