AAU: launchpad for a career in visual effects

Updated on: Thursday, April 07, 2011

Movies are made from life and life reflects the movies itself.

Among all our lives, movies have become a part of it. We grow, we cry, we laugh, we relate to it.

Like other Indians, I grew up watching many good and dire movies in various languages. Among all these, Hollywood movies and their style of work and making enthralled my heart and brain.

Every passion needs a spark; I strongly believe these movies got the spark in me to work in movie industry.

Science declares that the right side of the brain is used for creativity and left for logical reasoning.

In the field of visual effects and movies, I believe both sides of brain should be used equally.

Visual effects is a field where one has to use his creativity with logics and math skills. I recognised my creative skills when I was a teenager which I couldn't equip it well because of our education system.

As of a sheep in a flock, I did my under-graduation in Computer Science and Engineering.

Graduating from college and from my adolescent age, my next big step was into the decision making arena of, what's next?

My passion for movies and par knowledge in logics, I made my decision to enter into a good visual effects school.

The hunt began and I applied to study in United States of America to get the best of what I want.

At present I am doing my Masters degree in visual effects at Academy of Art University (AAU), San Francisco, California.

The AAU is one of the biggest art schools in America. Unlike other universities, AAU is spread all over San Francisco. They have many edifices dropped around San Francisco.

AAU offers many courses more than visual effects like in animation, fashion, fine art, motion pictures, advertising and much more.

Situated in the downtown area of San Francisco, students can get and live the life of a busy downtowner.

San Francisco is considered to be one of the beautiful and major cities of USA and is. Weather here is fairly good compared to other places in United States, experiencing warm summers and cold winters convoying with rains.

Gaining wisdom from dad and unadulterated love from mom, here I am pursuing one of my dreams.

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