Extra marks for questions with errors in SSC English paper

Updated on: Friday, April 01, 2011

State education board students can take heart. The Maharashtra government has decided to award a mark each for two questions with “errors” in the SSC English paper.

An announcement to this effect was made by Fouzia Khan, minister of state for school education, in the legislative council on thursday.

“We will see to it that the students don’t suffer,” Khan said. The minister was replying to a calling attention motion raised by MLCs Vikram Kale and Hemant Takle.

Participating in the debate, Shiv Sena MLC Diwakar Raote also raised the issue of inferior quality paper being used to print questionnaires for the board examinations.

Taking cognizance of the point made by the Sena MLC, school education minister Rajendra Darda said, “From next year onwards, the state government will ensure that good quality paper is used..

During the discussion, the members from the opposition parties also raised a ruckus over reports of “mistakes” in the geography paper too. Pacifying the members, Khan said, “If there are any mistakes in the questions asked in the paper, the students will be awarded marks for that particular question.”

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