The land of the maple leaf

Updated on: Tuesday, March 29, 2011

When it comes to pursuing higher studies, Indian students have traditionally preferred the UK, US and Australia. But, with a series of events influencing the global academic landscape, Canada is becoming a preferred destination for Indian students.

The rising number of student visas speaks for itself. According to the Canadian High Commissioner , Stewart G Beck, the numbers have increased from 3,000 in 2008 to 12,500 in 2010.
Overseas counsellors attribute this rise to a number of factors. While post-recession , the US has slashed its funding for international students, UK is closing the post-study work route from April 2012, apart from introducing additional changes in student immigration policies. On the other hand, with the alleged racial attacks on Indian students, Australia has lost its repute of a safe haven among Indians.

Maria Mathai, education consultant , further points out that with an UK degree becoming almost unaffordable, and the job scenario in the US quite grim, more students are choosing to go to Canada.
"With most Canadian universities being public-funded , the cost is not only lesser, but it is also easier for Indian students to get a work permit in Canada."

Canada is also trying to build on its India strategy. In fact, Brad Wall, the Saskatchewan premier, recently visited India for the first time, to strengthen trade, investment and innovation links between the Western Canadian province and India.

Besides, the Saskatchewan government has been introducing initiatives such as the Graduate Retention Programme to draw a pool of skilled workforce from across the globe. Says a spokesperson, "Under the scheme that extends to foreign students too, Indian students coming to Saskatchewan and graduating from a Saskatchewan institute are eligible for a rebate on their tuition fees. He further explains that with the strongest economy in Canada, Saskatchewan offers a range of job opportunities to people all across the globe.

Verna Magee-Shepherd , president and vice-chancellor , University Canada West (UCW), agrees to say that more Indian students tend to choose places like Vancouver in Canada because of its tolerant nature and the presence of a huge Indian community.

Magee-Shepherd , who was in India to sign MoUs with two Indian institutes, adds, "Also, Canada's lenient immigration policies and healthy employment opportunities for international students is undoubtedly turning it into a favourable destination choice for Indian students."

Times of India

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