3,837 schools functioning in rented premises in JK

Updated on: Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Over 3,800 schools were functioning in rented premises in Jammu and Kashmir, the state government said.

In a written reply to a question, state Education Minister Peerzada Mohd Sayeed said that 3,837 schools are functioning in rented premises for which Rs 11.91 crore has been paid in the last three years.
Giving further details, he said out of these, 3028 are primary schools, 736 Middle schools, 67 High schools and 6 Higher Secondary Schools.
He said that out of Rs 11.91 crore spent on the rent, Rs 418.59 lakh was spent as rent in 2008-09, Rs 368.04 lakh in 2009-10 and Rs 404.50 lakh in 2010-11.

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