Merchants chamber institutes JBIMS chair

Updated on: Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Indian Merchants’ Chamber has instituted a chair in banking and finance at the Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies.

The University of Mumbai has 18 chairs, with a total sponsorship amount of Rs 9.56 crore. University officials said the sponsorship amount for the latest chair was the highest till date. The chair has been instituted in the name of Praveenchandra Gandhi and will encourage applied and empirical research in the banking sector. “The secondary objective of the chair is to train and develop highly qualified individuals in the field of banking and finance,” said Rajpal Hande, director of the varsity’s board of college and university development.

The professor occupying the chair will guide research in microfinance and community banking, microcredit, micro-insurance and inclusive financial systems.

Moreover, “The professor will be expected to provide consultancy services in the form of financial advice to enterprises engaged in the banking and finance sector”. Manpower training will also be undertaken. “The chair will develop standards and customised programmes targeted at banks, insurance companies, and financial services organisations aimed at skill upgradation for their employees.”

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