Don't freak out

Updated on: Wednesday, March 09, 2011

As I am write this, my mother reminds me that I have "exactly one week" for the all important board exams to begin and that I must be studying instead of typing this out.

I don't know if every 12th Std. student has been experiencing this, but in the past month or so, not just people at home, every person I come across —the watchman, driver, friend, neighbour, maid — everyone, has some advice or the other to give me. “Check out model papers, don't watch TV, meditate, sleep less, eat vegetables…” are some of the common advices I hear almost everyday from every random person.

One nice person actually told me about some acupuncture to "boost my memory". I must mention this postman who told me that I would get 1185 / 1200 (seriously, the exact figure!).

And couldn't count the number of auto drivers who have told me about the supreme importance of the board exam and how they didn't do well and so they want me to.. and how I reminded them of their children taking up the board exam the same year. And to add to all this, the World Cup coincides exactly with the exams. Whew!

Take it easy

It's funny to see people hyping up the boards because, first, the board exams happen every year and each year there are a lot of successful candidates. Generations of people have taken up these exams and have done well. So what's the big deal?

I know, we shouldn't be complacent, but we should really stop scaring ourselves and everyone around us. To all those who are scared, after dozens of school exams, you will definitely do well and to all the people who consider it their duty to give unsolicited advice, quit freaking, because it is not the end of the world - nothing is.

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