Get fit to score

Updated on: Thursday, February 24, 2011

“Exercising during exams? Are you crazy?! Here we are trying to beat the blues doing all we can to cram as much as we can, how the heck can we exercise?” I get those looks and blatant questions when I give out free exam exercise advice. Some of those sceptics revert with a sheepish smile and an acknowledgement that the tips actually worked.

So, try them. Here they are:

Chair sitting push-ups

When you are busy studying, getting out of your chair is the last thing on your mind. But you could do the chair-sitting push-ups to tone your upper arms. Place your hands on the arms of your chair with elbows at a 90-degree angle. Straighten your arms so you push yourself up, with feet on the ground. Do three sets of 15 to 20 reps each time and three times a day will do nicely to keep those upper arms toned.

Laptop lifts

If you are not using one, choose the heaviest book you can find. Without locking your elbows, but keeping them straight raise the object to shoulder level, hold for a few seconds and lower it, slowly. Again, you need to do this in three sets of 15 reps each, three times a day. It doesn't take long, but your shoulders will tone down and look very sleekly un-exam-like.

Standing stance

Try this posture when you are tired of sitting and need to stand a bit. Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart and parallel. Do not lock your knees. Keep them slightly bent and breathe in. As you exhale pull your stomach in with your focus on a point two inches below your navel. Breathe in and out concentrating on this point for two minutes. Do it on a daily basis. You are sure to see your posture and balance improving.

Pins and needles

Sitting around can make your legs protest and the blood circulation to stumble causing pins and needles. When that occurs, simply press your big toe hard enough for you to feel it but not so hard that it hurts. Within seconds without even noticing it, your circulation will restore to normal.

Thigh training

Leaving your seat is out of the question. Yet need some exercise. This one works out your inner and outer thighs and you arms. Keep sitting. With legs shoulder width apart, place your palms on the inside of your knee and push palms out while bringing legs together slowly. This works out your inner thigh and your arms.

Sit in same position, with palms on the outside of your knee. Try pushing your legs, using arm muscles as resistance. Two sets with of 10 reps each for both inner and outer thighs will show results.

Calf care

Walk 20 steps on your toes, 20 on your heels and 20 on the outsides of your feet three times a day. If you feel unsteady, do it by using the wall as support. Emerge with nicely defined calves and legs that don't cramp.

Mind work

A relaxed mind is a focused mind. Yet, you cannot spare the time for a total chakra dhyan. Do this when you have just a few minutes between study schedules or when the concentration is waning.

Pinch eyebrows. When you reach your temples, press in the little groove besides eyes where your forefinger fits perfectly. Gently walk fingers under the eyes towards the bridge of your nose.

Stroke forehead from temple to temple.

Cover eyes with two fingers to a count of 20.

Then, starting at chin, pinch jaw line towards your ears.

Pinch earlobes. Press, pull and twist ears. Separate teeth; let your tongue be static in your mouth.

Drop shoulders to hips.

Loosen elbows away from body.

Shake hands and feet to remove any tension.

Close eyes and relax for two minutes.

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