PTU to introduce human values and professional ethics in curriculum

Updated on: Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Similar to the model implemented at the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) in Delhi and Kanpur, Punjab Technical University (PTU) has decided to make "human values and professional ethics" as part of its curricullam for its 306 affliated colleges.

Present at the Panjab University campus for a valedictory function of an international conference that had been organized by students of the varsity, the PTU Vice Chancellor Rajneesh Arora said that the inculcation of values was important for students in order to apply their technical knowledge in the right direction.

He said that the academic council at the university had resolved that it would be necessary for students who had enrolled after the year 2011 to study the foundation course in human values and professional ethics that is being introduced at the university.

"The inspiration for the introduction of the course had been drawn from the National Resource Centre for Value Education in Engineering (NRCVEE) at IIT-Delhi. Several technical institutions now have already realized the importance of inculcating such a course as part of the curriculum such as IIT-Kanpur, Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT)-Hyderabad and UP University," Arora stated.

Apart from value education, the foundation course would include topics such as harmony in nature and society and widening the vision of students from a family order to the world family order. Seven chapters of the course would be devoted to harmony with self, family, body, nature, society and existence.

The new course would also be involving subjects such as self-exploration and would focus on the importance of right understanding and other topics such as professional ethics in light of right understanding.

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