A hobby comes in handy

Updated on: Tuesday, February 15, 2011

For U. Jayan, the principal of Sree Narayana Trust Higher Secondary School, Cherthala, the recently held elections to local bodies presented him with an unforgettable experience.

His skills with amateur radio (ham radio) proved critical in conducting elections in Nooradikudy settlement, part of the Edamalakudy panchayat carved out of the Munnar panchayat.

It was the first elections after the panchayat was formed and authorities found amateur radio the only tool to establish communication links in tribal settlements tucked away in deep forests.

Reaching remote areas

Amateur radio is the licensed and private use of designated radio bands, for purposes of private recreation, non-commercial exchange of messages, experimentation, self-training, and emergency communication.

Mr. Jayan recollects the arduous journey he had to undertake to Nooradikudy settlement. “A six-hour drive in police jeep took us to Valparai in Kerala-Tamil Nadu border from where we had to undertake another three-hour long trek through thick forest to reach the polling booth. The terrain was so tough, complete with steep inclines and the path was dotted with fresh footprints of wild animals,” he describes.

Since there was no electricity, Mr. Jayan had to install the radio set and related equipment in candle light. As direct communication link with Idukki collectorate could not be established, a repeater station to facilitate transmission of low level radio signals from the booth at higher frequency to the collectorate was set up in between.

Returning after a successful mission lasting three days in a remote land, Mr. Jayan was as excited as he was exhausted. His service along with 12 other Ham Radio operators in the election in Edamalakudy panchayat was recognised when the district administration felicitated them and awarded them a certificate for their meritorious service.
Promoting the hobby

An ardent fan of Ham Radio since his high school days, Mr. Jayan received the Amateur Radio License from the Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing of the Department of Telecommunications in 1998 on passing the requisite qualifying examination. He had been assigned the call sign (the unique identification for the licensee) Vu2jyu with Vu standing for country code.

Mr. Jayan has formed a Ham Radio club at his school and is awaiting the club station license required to go on air. Awareness classes are being held to create interest in the hobby among students. “This is one hobby for which provision is made for assistance up to Rs. 3 lakh from the MPs' fund,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Jayan is eagerly waiting for the Ham Fest slated to be held in Ernakulam in next November to meet amateur radio operators from across the globe.

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