Space for creativity

Updated on: Thursday, February 10, 2011

I was shell-shocked when I saw my brother's assignment. The question paper stretched on to 10 pages. And the answer sheet to 40 plus pages. Is this an assignment for a week or an entire semester? He has been asked to reproduce almost the entire textbook. And on top of that, there are multiple assignments in which he has to write the same thing over and over again! They will not be allowed to write the final exams if they fail to submit the assignment.

This is the situation in the engineering colleges that claim to be moulding the future citizens of India. The visionaries who will capture the future with their thoughts and the leaders who are going to shape tomorrow. Giving periodic assignments to review progress is acceptable. But asking to reproduce the textbook under the guise of an assignment doesn't serve any purpose. It would have probably been more benefiting if the assignment that had been handed out had some tough and tricky questions and the number was within human reach. Students would have learnt various aspects associated with the topic. After a test, they have to write the answers for all the questions and submit it. Teachers should realize that they are not school children anymore. They have grown up. How is this going to help students tackle problem in the industry where they will face a different set of hurdles? Parents are afraid to complain for fear of their wards being harassed.

A college, to serve as a centre of excellence should encourage open thinking, innovation and should allow the students to engage in creative activities. Where is the room for creativity? How will the students learn the practical aspects and learn to innovate? It is no wonder that students complain about lack of time for engaging in creative activities. How will the students develop their personality and aptitude when they are choked with mammoth of assignments?

Not just marks!

These colleges should probably take a leaf out of the books of IIT's and BITS, the top ranked engineering institutes in the country. Students do not have such suffocating assignments there. They have very flexible assignments with thought-provoking questions. And failure to submit assignments leads to a loss of few marks, not denial of permission to write the exams.

In fact in colleges like BITS, there is no compulsory attendance. Students are free to attend classes if they choose to. Colleges should realise that students are mature enough to take decisions on their own. Students should be given some amount of freedom. Such an atmosphere culminates in a plethora of student organized activities.

Take the case of IITs or BITS. These campuses boast of plenty of clubs and groups that are entirely run by students. The clubs organise activities throughout the semester while the college authorities help in organising fests, procuring sponsors, scheduling events etc. Students have a commendable say in the working of the system. All academic bodies have student members .

Take the example of Saarang, the cultural festival of IIT Madras. One of the two ISO:9001 certified cultural festivals (the other being BITS Pilani's Oasis). It is entirely student-run; right from the organisation to execution, students take care of every detail. That kind of capability is what a college should cultivate in a student.

There is no denying that students are under pressure in colleges like IIT's and BITS too. Despite that they are involved in a variety of activities. They get numerous platforms to showcase their talents. The result is a multifaceted individual with a diverse set of skills, who can rise up to the occasion and tackle any kind of situation. What we need now is to loosen the noose around the students' neck so that they can explore and express their creative talents.

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