History turns serious fun

Updated on: Monday, February 07, 2011

 History lessons just became fun! For Rohini Mohan from Kochi, one of the winners of the 'My City My History' initiative undertaken by Fox entertainment and History channel, learning about the history of the Pardesi Synagogue outside a classroom proved to be an exciting experience. "Besides googling to find information on the synagogue, I visited it several times and heard the guides telling foreigners about its history. I personally went and collected pamphlets and asked my grandparents who are settled in Kochi about the synagogue. It gave me a whole new perspective on history, which is beyond classroom study," said Mohan.

Her essay, titled 'Mattancherry and the Pardesi Synagogue' captures the history of the synagogue. "The Pardesi Synagogue built in 1568 AD by the white 'pardesi' Jews is the oldest synagogue in the Commonwealth nations," informed Mohan. "We are taken out for trips and learn about the monuments of Delhi and Mumbai but I on my part want to learn about the history of my city and urge people to learn more about their surrounding monuments," she added.

Fox entertainment and History channel in association with programme partner Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage ( INTACH) had recently held the initiative. This initiative encourages school children to highlight the lesser known historical treasures of their respective cities and in the process discover multiple aspects of their heritage.

For Ayush Ganapathy, writing an essay on 'My Puliyanda family name and its connection to the Nalknad Palace' meant tracing his family's history to the Nalknad Palace. "For me it was an interesting journey to discover my roots. I am the seventh descendant of the Puliyanda family," said Ganapathy. Talking about his next course of action, he said, "The Fox entertainment and History channel will come to my city Kodag and will shoot the city from a different angle. I have to write a new story now."

For Shrishti Soni from Banaras, talking about the ghats not only made sense because these ghats are an integral part of Banaras, but also because people are polluting the Ganges. Raksha Rai from Sikkim showcases the traditional Sakewa dance of the Rai community in Sikkim.

Times of India

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