Health education to be under health ministry

Updated on: Monday, February 07, 2011

With the initiative of Prime Minister's Office the ambit of medical education in India came to an fitting conclusion.

Reservations prevailed whether medical education should come under the aegis of the National Commission for Higher Education and Research (NCHER) or the National Council for Human Resource in Health (NCHRH).

The Ministry of Human Resource Development proposed both NCHER and NCHRH. According to the new formulations, both NCHER and NCHRH will operate separately.

Although medical education in the country would be a part of the NCHRH, there would also be linkages established with the NCHER regarding quality, content and curriculum of the education.

Both, HRD minister Kapil Sibal as well as Health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad have accepted the move.

A senior official told, the move needs to be fine-tuned further.

Another meeting will be held between the NCHER and the NCHRH on February 15 to finalize the formulations.

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