Private schools urged to adhere to fee structure

Updated on: Sunday, February 06, 2011

The Tamil Nadu Students Parents Welfare Federation at a meeting here on Saturday appealed to all private schools to adhere to the fee structure stipulated by the Private Schools Fee Determination Committee on March 7, 2010.

It also sought amendment of the Tamil Nadu Schools Regulation of Collection of Fee Act 2009.

The next academic year would start soon and schools are yet to follow the norms laid down by the Committee.

Amendment sought

The Federation is seeking amendment to the Act with a view to provide representation for the parents and educationists in committees concerning the fee. The amendment should include the setting up of a complaint cell for parents to approach, said P.B. Prince Gajendra Babu, General Secretary, State Platform for Common School System.

No mechanism

Members of the Federation said that as there was no monitoring mechanism in place, schools were not implementing the rules. “There is no register where complaints coming from parents are noted and you get an acknowledgment, which needs to be incorporated,” said Mr. Babu.

Representative from 15 schools attended the meeting. Parents Association of C.S.I. Jessie Moses School, Anna Nagar complained that the school is not implementing the Fee Act.

P. Deepan, President of the Association, said members of the association met Justice K. Raviraja Pandian, who is heading the Fee Determination Committee, about their grievances.

“He has said that once the revised fee structure is out, schools have to abide by it,” he said.

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