Exam to be held in Feb-end, PhD students in limbo over entrance test

Updated on: Friday, February 04, 2011

With no university decision-making body appointed as yet, students who registered for a PhD between July 2009 and November 2010 are wondering whether they have to take the PhD Entrance Test (PET) or not. The university will conduct the test in the last week of February. The University Grants Commission (UGC) made it mandatory for all PhD aspirants to clear an entrance test. But the University of Mumbai took over a year to pass the notification (November 18,2010). Now, close to 70 students who registered for PhD in the interim are in limbo.

Vilas Shinde, controller of examinations said, "The matter will be decided at the next academic council meeting. The previous academic council meeting was dissolved in September and the new one is yet to be formed. Students have been told to wait till then." Deeptaunshu Pusalkar, who registered in August 2009 said,"When we enrolled, we were not told that we had to take any eligibility. Now it is not even clear if we should take the test and start all over again. The university is not giving us any." Members of the Maharashtra Navnirman Vidyarthi Sena and students will meet the vice-chancellor on February 7 to discuss the issue.

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