How students learn from old consumer or electronic goods

Updated on: Friday, February 04, 2011

What do you do with the old washing machine, black and white television set, mixie, VCR, iron box or any other electronic goods other than let them remain in a corner of your house? The third year students of EEE of the College of Engineering Guindy think that these can be put to better use.

On Thursday, they brought old consumer/electronic goods to the techno-management fest Kurukshetra 2011 and dismantled and re-assembled them at the gadget workshop to explain to the participants the working of the machines.

For the students, it was a first-hand learning experience. K. Narayanan and his teammate, for instance, went to a washing machine service centre to learn more but as the engineer was not of much help they decided to explore it themselves.

“We made sure that we practiced enough before teaching the participants here, and who knows we could even repair an old gadget in the process,” he said. The workshop will be on for the next three days.

Virtual participation is a feature added to Kurukshetra this year, as part of which the conferences and guest lectures are being made available live to 15 colleges. According to V.Vidhoon, one of the coordinators, they received online entries from 56 colleges and shortlisted 15. “All what colleges needed was an internet connection and laptop and we would transmit the proceedings,” he said, adding that the organisers have partnered with CISCO for this.

The organisers have also got innovative with the titles of various competitions such as Cerebra, Heptathlon, Alcatraz and Pandemonium. There are four robotic events named Pandemonium, Konstructor, Khimera and Business quest. These and many more events are lined up till Sunday.

TheHindu is the media partner for Kurukshetra 2011.

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