UK to impose new curbs on non-EU students

Updated on: Friday, February 04, 2011

Britain is likely to impose new restrictions before granting visas to students from India and other non-EU countries as part of the Prime Minister David
Cameron government's promise to reduce immigration and curb visa abuse.
Current rules allow non-EU students to work for two years after completion of their courses. This is likely to be restricted as Immigration minister Damian Green considers the outcome of a consultation exercise on this issue.
The migration of international students is worth 5 billion pounds to the UK economy annually.
Elaborating on the alleged abuse of the student visa system, Green said in a speech last night that non-EU students could not be allowed unfettered access to the UK labour market amidst growing unemployment in Britain.
He said, "The post study work route was intended to form a bridge between study and skilled work, allowing all international graduates to remain for two years after graduation. Many go into secretarial, sales, customer service and catering roles. At a time when graduate unemployment is at its highest level for seventeen years we need a more targeted approach".
He added, "To allow unfettered access to the jobs market for two years to anyone with a student visa from abroad is putting an unnecessary extra strain on our own graduates".
Green is expected to crack down on this post-study work route.
He also presented details of alleged abuse of the student visa system by colleges in the private sector that did not have the necessary facilities or academic standing to offer courses.
"In one, no classroom study was being undertaken. Instead students were being sent on so-called work placements in locations up to 280 miles away from the college where they were supposed to be studying on a regular basis. They were
working excessive hours," Green said.
"In another case, students were found working in 20 different locations and undertaking no study time. The work placements, which were supposed to be in the health and social care sector, included jobs as a cleaner in a pizza chain and as a hairdresser. The college was also employing a worker illegally on a fake British passport. In another case, there were 2 lecturers for 940 students," he added.
Green recalled that in June last year in New Delhi, 35 per cent of student applications verified by the visa section were found to contain forged documents.
However, Green's restrictive measures on the student visa system has raised a welter of protest from the education sector.
Professor Edward Acton, vice-chancellor of the University of East Anglia, and a spokesman for Universities UK, said the Government's plans amounted to a 'hostile act'.
Professor David Wark, of Imperial College London, also warned against plans to weaken the link between study and work.
"If we get an opportunity to pick the cream of the crop, we shouldn't pass that up," he added. 
Professor Steve Smith, president of Universities UK, said the Government's plans could cause 'unintended damage' to the university sector and Britain’s international reputation.

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