Graduates need to think out-of-the-box?

Updated on: Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Students passing out of premier universities have the moral responsibility to contribute to nation building by directly participating and contributing to solve problems faced by rural India, said M.S. Palanichamy, vice-chairman, Tamil Nadu State Council for Technical Education.

In his graduation day address at the Anna University, he asked students to cultivate entrepreneurship and work as teams drawing on multidisciplinary expertise. In a globalised world, graduates needed to think and look for out-of-the-box solutions to be innovative through unconventional thinking. In this age of talent, knowledge and skills were essentially the capital and one's ability to manage knowledge would primarily decide one's future.

India was in an eminent position in the areas of science, technology and management but there were still problems of poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy and unemployment, he said urging students of premier universities, who have the best ambience for learning advanced technologies, to solve rural problems.

He praised the Anna University for producing 494 Ph.Ds in 2010, achieving 97 per cent placement and improving infrastructure on the campus.

Anna University Vice-Chancellor Mannar Jawahar and Registrar S. Shanmugavel spoke.

As many as 2,849 students, from UG, PG and M.S (by research) from the Madras Institute of Technology, A.C. College of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning and College of Engineering, Guindy, were awarded degrees. Gold medals were presented to 196 students.

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