Plus two practical examinations at 141 centres

Updated on: Wednesday, February 02, 2011

 Over 27,000 Plus Two students in the district will be taking up their practical examinations at 141 centres in two phases during this month. Six new centres have been approved this year. The new centres were permitted in institutions with a minimum of 50 students and adequacy of facilities in science and other laboratories, the Chief Educational Officer T. Mohanakumar said.

The first phase of examinations will be from February 7 to 14, and the second between February 15 and 22. The headmasters have been instructed to keep the laboratories well equipped with apparatus and specimen. Physics and Chemistry practical examinations will be common for about 17,000 students. Nearly 8,000 students will take up biology practicals and 9,000 will appear for Computer Science practicals, the CEO said, adding that close to 2,500 students in vocational stream will be taking up practical examinations in Plant protection, dress making, nursing, engineering, general machinist, home science, nutrition and dietetics, accountancy and auditing, microbiology, and biochemistry.

The School Education Department is also getting prepared to conduct practical examinations for the first time for ninth standard students. Practical examinations have been envisaged for ninth standard students under the equitable system of school education that will take effect from the next academic year.

The Directorate of School Education has issued instructions for conduct of practical examinations for the current batch of ninth standard students as a preparatory exercise, Mr. Mohana Kumar said.

The practical examination is bound to lead to higher pass percentage. The schedule will soon be announced for the schools for conducting the practical examinations by themselves irrespective of student strength during March, he said.

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