India only 7th best in GMATH

Updated on: Saturday, January 22, 2011

‘Where there is a will, there is a way'— is perhaps easier said than done. We always need someone to show the way. Anand Kumar has been that someone in many lives.

Here's proof that Indians have a flair for mathematics. Indians scored higher than the global average in GMATs quantitative section that tests math skills in 2010. But Chinese students have the highest average in quantitative scores and India is far behind, at seventh position. The US, which accounts for the largest number of students appearing for GMAT, trails both India and China in the quantitative section, as well as in overall performance.

B-schools worldwide use Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) scores to select students. Indias high scores at the GMAT may be because over 60 per cent of Indian GMAT test-takers had an engineering background, while only 15 per cent candidates globally were engineers. High mathematics scores may also have to do with an education system that favours math and science over the liberal arts. The quantitative section tests students basic math skills built up over a lifetime. Education systems in different countries vary in the emphasis on certain subjects, like math.

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