Make India corruption-free, Kalam tells youth

Updated on: Friday, January 21, 2011

Former President A P J Abdul Kalam asked the youth to work towards making India a corruption-free country and said politics in the country should undergo a "chemotherapy".

"India wants young people of ethics, youths of ethics. That will bring beauty in character and harmony in homes. We must have a corruption-free nation but the fight against corruption begins from home. If children decide that their family will be free from corruption, India will greatly recover," he said.
"Use the bond of love that you share with your father to make your home corruption-free and take an oath that today onwards I will work as corruption-free brigade at my home," the eminent scientist said at a gathering of youths at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium here in Eastern Maharashtra.
"We should be proud of our role models but unfortunately, we don't have such role models. The nation is bigger than any party, any system. So, nation should win. If nation wins, you'll win," said Kalam.
The former President said there is anguish among every section of the society, including students. Everyone is worried about deteriorating democratic and societal values.
"We all need to fight a hard battle to improve the things. Our politics needs to undergo a chemotherapy. The ignited mind of the youth is the most powerful resource on the earth, under the earth and above the earth. Knowledge will empower you to undertake great missions."
Kalam said "everyone of us should think about what I can give to make India developed in 2020.
Kalam administered an oath to students about having a goal, working with integrity, teaching at least five people and working to protect and enhance dignity of human life.
The former President was in Amravati in Vidarbha region for a day and attended four functions.
Speaking at Techelons-2011, a national-level technical festival for students, he advised engineering and technology students to build capacities to empower the nation through technology and innovation.
"Every youth wants to be unique. You have to fight the hardest battle and not to stop until you arrive at your goal. You must have an aim in life, acquire knowledge through great books, work hard, sweat a lot and be the captain of the problems. And then you will become unique."
Kalam said India needs more entrepreneurs than job-seekers. "I visited a village in Punjab where I met farmers who have successfully increased the production of seed cotton. This was achieved through a productive partnership among farmers, agricultural scientists, textile industry and the government."
Addressing another gathering of students at Vidyabharati College, Kalam said, "Students should dream big, but dreams should be coupled with actual action."
Amravati has given birth to many freedom fighters, social workers, leaders and scientists who worked for the progress of the nation. Students must aim to achieve success in whatever field they select, he said.
The former President appealed to the students to become good human beings and acquire knowledge. "There is no option to knowledge. Students should become knowledgeable, meritorious and develop their character."
"When there is righteousness in heart, there is beauty in character. When there is  beauty in character, there's harmony in home, when there is harmony at home, there will be order in nation," Kalam said.

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