Quest to Conquer' workshop organised successfull

Updated on: Wednesday, January 19, 2011

'Quest to Conquer', the GD/ PI workshop organised by India's No.1 education site, was a roaring success with the participants gaining valuable knowledge about the two rounds. The experts, Parag Chitale and Sanjaya Mishra, did a splendid job of engaging the participants in this two-hour long workshop.

Parag Chitale gave the particpants useful tips and insights into the GDs. It was an interactive session where particpants voiced their doubts and Parag answered all the queries with relevant examples. He gave them several tips on starting a GD, putting one's point across, taking a stand on a topic and other subtleties. He also discussed some topics and helped the students to understand the approach to different topics.

The PI session conducted by Sanjaya Mishra was also very helpful for the participants. She told the particpants to self-assess, bring out their positives and to bring out the most unique aspect about themselves in the interviews. She also told the participantsto brush up on academics and current affairs as they can come in handy while answering questions.

The participants very delighted after the workshop. Said Sanket Mavlankar from Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, "The workshop was excelent. It gave me a thorough understanding of the entire process and the confidence to get through it." Added Agni Prakash Sahoo from National Institute of Science and Technology, "It was an extremely enlightening session and a great confidence booster before the GD/ PIs."

We thank all the participants of the workshop who helped make this endeavour a success. We promise you that we will bring you lots more in the time to come. Keep vising your favourite website and stay connected with 'the future, now'

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