State to put up school fee legislation on net

Updated on: Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Maharashtra government will soon put up its proposed legislation on fees in aided and private schools on its website to elicit the views of citizens. The move follows the states decision last month to regulate the fee structure to prevent growing commercialization of education and profiteering by institutions.

"Within a week or two, we will upload it (the proposed legislation) on the net and invite objections and suggestions from students, parents, school management members, elected representatives as well as academicians. Once we get the feedback, we fill draft a final bill and the same will be introduced in both the houses for approval during the budget session of the state legislature. We expect to complete the entire exercise by March 31", a senior school education department said.
"Initially, the state had proposed to promulgate an ordinance on the controversial issue. However, we felt that instead of giving an impression that the decision had been taken in haste, it would be better to draft a comprehensive legislation which would be in every ones interest. Our new law is based on the lines of the Tamil Nadu legislation but without its pitfalls", the official added.


According to an official, the proposed legislation will be applicable to all pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher secondary schools as well as junior colleges; it will cover tuition, term, library, gymkhana and hostel fees besides caution money. "We dont want any government or aided school to collect fees in excess of the one prescribed while admitting pupils to any class or course in their institution", the official said. Private school shall have full autonomy in fixing their fees, however, they will have to get the amount endorsed by the executive committee of the parents teachers association (PTA) or the management committee as the case may be before the end of every third week of August in successive academic years.

"In the event, there is a dispute between school management and the PTA members, either party can approach the divisional fee regulatory committee, provided the difference of opinion is more than 15%. No private school shall collect fees more than the amount endorsed by the PTA or determined by the regulatory committee,'' he said.

The divisional fee regulatory committee shall be headed by a retired district judge and will have four experts from the field of education and accountancy. Further, the proposed legislation provides specific factors which include available infrastructure, status of the school and its location while determining the fees. "The divisional committee shall have full powers to prescribe the fees to be collected by a private school, taking into account the views of the PTA and management members. In addition, there will be an appellate committee headed by a retired high court judge, which will have the powers to hear the appeal against the order passed by the divisional committee,'' he said.

"The proposed legislation provides for imprisonment, which shall not be less than one year and fine, which may extend to Rs 5 lakh, or both, if any school violates the law", the official added.

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