
Updated on: Monday, January 17, 2011

A student's life today predominantly revolves around technology. Gone are the days when notes were taken down in class, when projects were hand written and tests had to be taken in examination halls. We have stepped into an era where study material is handed out through electronic mail and online examinations test students' aptitude.

To keep up with global education standards, Indian schools are also trying to adapt to the highest levels of classroom teaching, which calls for the use of technology based education. In keeping with the times, students are making the most of technology that they can avail of.

Even teachers are understandably focusing their teaching methodology to suit the demands of a tech savvy generation. "The X-Box 360 launched by Microsoft helps people learn so much at the flick of a hand. It's amazing to see the impact of visual learning. The adoption of technology in India is slow. However, if it grows, education does have a long way to go," says Moksh Juneja, a PR professor and founder, Avignyata Inc. For his students, studying to become Bachelor's of Mass Media (BMM), Juneja uploads his presentations on a website. By doing this, students do not have to jot down notes in class, but can pay attention to what he says. The practice is becoming popular among teachers who are eager to make teaching a more interactive experience.

Come to think of it, educational technology, especially computers and computer-related peripherals, has grown and permeates all areas of a student's life. For instance, a batch of second year BMM students recently started uploading their photography assignments on Flickr. According to Tunali Mukherjee, who teaches photography, technology opens up a world of opportunities . "My students get an honest feedback once they upload their work online and that's what gives them exposure," she says. A lot of students today make groups pertaining to their projects on social networking sites. With technology being available at one's fingertips, it is inevitable for the teaching methodology to change too. "Students find it easier to collect notes online. We share notes and projects, which not only broaden our perspective but also make us accountable for our work," says Viraaj Makwana, a second year Bachelor's of Management Studies (SYBMS) student at HR College, Mumbai. Avani Dave, who studies Business Administration at Drexel University, says, "In India, we do not make the best use of technology and the internet. Our assessment , throughout the course, is done on internet.

This gives us hands-on experience as well as helps us in getting critical feedback from experts in the field, besides making studying an eco friendly experience." With the world becoming smaller and more competitive, students need to be equipped to handle the demands of a new world order. "When we started our BMM course, almost all the projects were on paper. Even now, as per university rules, we are supposed to keep hard copies of our projects. But online assignments reduce the need for a physical space to store hard copies," says Manjula Shrinivas, HOD - Department of Mass Media, KC College, Mumbai.

Times of India

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