Total overhaul in education needed

Updated on: Thursday, January 06, 2011

A thorough overhaul in education; right from policy making to implementation is needed. The reason is that we are losing sight of the ultimate focus, which is preparing a student for life. We need to draw the best out of all the prominent boards operational in the country and formulate a new curriculum for Maharashtra. It should be able to cater to the needs of all students, regardless of socio-economic differences and catering to variations in intellectual capabilities of students feels Khan. She fervently supports the one board, one university idea presented by Kapil Sibal in the past saying,"Its a great idea.It can truly create a level playing field.There are however, a lot of challenges to implement this utopian concept."

All said and done social, regional and class differences are not going to disappear. A single system of education will help sort out these differences and will empower every child equally. The single system will have to cater to the academically challenged child as well as a multi-talented or a child with above average intellectual abilities. And that is why designing of the curriculum has to be done very meticulously.

Tough road ahead

"Challenges in achieving this goal are manifold. There are two extreme ends at present -- at one side there are elite schools which are doing well and preparing global leaders, on the other there are small schools in semi-urban and rural areas where even students of class IV and V cannot read and write properly. It is here that qualitative enhancement has to be brought about in terms of teaching ability of the educator and the curriculum," opines the educationist.

The pre primary and primary levels of education are of utmost importance she believes. 80 per cent of intellectual development of an individual takes place during the age of say four to ten years. The entire foundation of ones personality is formed during this age group and this also forms the base for later education. Sadly, the entire education system is corrupt. Dedication levels among education providers are no longer as they used to be till about a few decades ago she feels.

Technology revolution needed

We have started making a database of children who are going to school and those who are out-of-school and the staff. "It is important to have a single comprehensive system, which will show daily updated records of number of students attending school in all the institutions across the state. This kind of accurate monitoring can ensure that the right beneficiary receives the benefits announced by the State, feels Khan.


Fauzia Khan was born and brought up in Aurangabad and was schooled at Holy Cross Convent. She went on to complete her M Phil in English Literature and is currently pursuing her Phd, subject of her research: Impact of Governments decision to implement English from class I in non-English medium schools. Balancing this crucial portfolio she is also looking after seven others, including: general administration, public health, minority affairs, information and publicity, culture, women and child welfare. She's second in command to Rajendra Darda who holds school education portfolio at the cabinet level for Maharashtra.


Designing a comprehensive e-learning software for all schools in the state creating a common database management system for all schools to maintain detailed records of students, teachers, curriculum and infrastructure. Redesigning of curriculum and textbooks, training of teachers, devising and implementing proper policies and legislation in tune with Right to Education Act.

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