Restore autonomous structure of MCI, demands IMA

Updated on: Thursday, January 06, 2011

The Indian Medical Association today demanded that the autonomous structure of the Medical Council of India be restored and the current board of governors appointed by the Government be dissolved at once.
At a press conference here, the IMA also opposed the implementation of the short-term rural medical course being introduced by the Government.
"We feel that such a course will prepare half-baked doctors and by allowing this, we shall be playing with the health of the rural population who have equal rights to
health care as the urban population," IMA National President Vinay Aggarwal said.
"We demand that the autonomous structure of the MCI and its elected body be restored immediately and the current board of governors appointed by the government be dissolved at once," he said.
The medical practitioner's body also opposed the passage of the Clinical Establishment Bill without a discussion by the Parliament and the pre-registration exit test for medical graduates proposed by the MCI.

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