Is your child eating healthy

Updated on: Monday, January 03, 2011

 Between assignment deadlines, performance pressure and grade evaluation, eating a healthy and balanced meal is the last thing on your child's mind. A quick bite at a burger joint, a hurried sandwich or worst, a bottle of coke is what usually makes up of a child's 'healthy' meal. "L ack of time and balancing a hectic schedule doesn't really leave time for eating a healthy meal", says Nawaz Badshah, class VI, Podar International School, Mumbai.

This is the usual routine eating plan for most children. "A part from lack of time for a sit-down meal, children also need variety in their meals. You can't keep giving them the usual healthy options as they tend to get bored and start skipping meals,"says Leena Mogre,director, Leena Mogre's Fitness.

Provide a good breakfast

"A good breakfast is one of the most vital requirements for keeping your child healthy,"says Leena. "A full stomach early in the morning helps him concentrate better and keeps his energy level high the entire day". Avoid breakfast,which is too high in carbs. Sugary flavoured cereals or pancakes will leave your child hungry and tired halfway through morning.Instead opt for oatmeal,fresh fruit and yogurt. A scrambled or boiled egg is also a good option.

Pack a good lunch

A good and easy way to ensue that your child eats healthy is by packing a good lunch. "While packing your child's lunch, make sure you keep his choices in mind. Giving him things which he doesn't like will lead to him opting for junk food and candy bars instead",suggests Pooja Dev, nutritionist, Tupperware.

Take care to keep the packed lunch fresh and healthy by using foils, butter paper and airtight tiffin boxes. "I usually pack my child's lunch in Tupperware boxes as that tends to keep it fresh.They are also spill proof so I can pack her favouriate juices without worrying,"says Hanifa Ahmedi, whose child studies in St Joseph Convent, Mumbai.

Allow 'healthy' junk food

Banning junk food at home leads your child to stock up on burgers and fries at a friends place. The best option here is to allow him 'healthy'junk food. "It depends on the parent's imagination to create recipes that are healthy and tasty",says Pooja. "If your child loves burgers than you can make the patty at home. Put in lots of vegetables and use wholewheat bread .Allowing 'healthy' junk food will keep him happy and also provide him with the require nutrients", she concludes.

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