Parents stage musical fee hike protest

Updated on: Friday, December 03, 2010

While protests against hike in school fees are a common feature these days, some parents find offbeat ways of making sure their voices are heard.

On Thursday morning,a group of 250 parents of school-going students gathered outside the director of educations office in Pune with several mouth organists in tow.We wanted to protest peacefully. Therefore,we brought together as many mouth organ artists as we could from all over the state to protest against the school fee hike, said Sandeep Chavan,vice-president of Forum for Fairness in Education (Pune).

The protestors then headed to the Pimpri police chowkie to stage a jail bharo andolan. The idea is to ensure free education in the true sense of the term. Unaided schools dont follow this and parents as well as the students are hassled, added Chavan.

The protesters have demanded that education be made free in all schools. They have also called for a proper law to regulate fee hikes in unaided schools.

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