Flattery a common weakness of our times, says Gopalkrishna Gandhi

Updated on: Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Praise has a dark side to it as well, and removed from its original nature and purpose, exaggerated many times, it would become a disease, Gopalkrishna Gandhi, former West Bengal Governor, has said.

Pointing out that the thin line that divides praise and flattery is often breached, Mr. Gandhi said while it is uplifting to accord praise when it is due, it is demeaning to do so, when not appropriate. “Between flattery and praise flows a river of contempt,” he added.

Flattery is a common weakness of our times, Mr. Gandhi said. While the youth may be tempted to step over praise into the realm of flattery, they must keep in mind that flattery is bad for both parties involved. However, he added that to refrain from honest praise would be worse than indulging in flattery.

Mr. Gandhi was delivering the 25th Y.G. Rajalakshmi Parthasarathy Shastiabdapoorthi Endowment Lecture in Chennai at the PSBB School on Tirumalai Pillai Road, on Tuesday. Later, he honoured student achievers, handed over scholarships to students, and released the PTA and teachers' newsletter.

Mrs. YGP, Dean and Director, PSBB group of schools, said it was a dream come true to have Mr. Gandhi speak at the endowment oration. She urged parents and teachers to praise children for their achievements as it was this that would build their self-confidence. Her message to students was not to allow anyone undermine their self-confidence.

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